- Why security fasteners?
- Applications
In the area of the different applications of our SecuFast® Security Fasteners, the possibilities are endless. Wherever there is a need for any form of preventing and/or combating vandalism or theft, our SecuFast® Security Fasteners can provide a solution. Every screw has its own unique applications. Ask our experts for advice.

- Prisons: door locks, cell interiors, lighting
- Schools: computers, bathroom equipment, lighting
- Hotels: radio’s, TV’s, bathroom equipment, lighting
- Cinemas: seating, ashtrays, lighting
- Museums: show-windows, bathroom equipment, cafetaria chairs and tables
- Hospitals: bathroom equipment, equipment on sickward, cafeteria chairs and tables
- Elevators: control panel, lighting
- Public Transport: seats and ashtrays in buses, trains and ferry boats
- Swimmingpools / Sportshalls: changing room interiors, cigarettes- and gamblingmachines
- Streetfurniture
- Playground equipment
- Park benches
- Litter bins
- Advertisement boardings
- Public lighting
- Bus stops / shelters
- Security camera installations
- Traffic Control such as traffic signs and sign posting
- Perimeter & Security Fencing
- Construction of dinghies and motor yachts
- Construction industry Security Grille & Window frame installation and installation of doorlocks
- Securing utilities that by unauthorised access can endanger human life
- Securing installations & equipment that are fraude sensitive, for example electricity, gas- and watermeters
- Telecommunication